Scott Thompson Show

Wynne addressing hydro, CHCH on weekends and sexual harassment training.



Premier Kathleen Wynne has spoken about the rising hydro rates saying that relief for consumers is coming soon. She has instructed her Energy Minister to investigate ways to help people bear the costs in their day to day lives and says the issue is urgent.   Guest: John Yakabuski, PC Energy Critic in Ontario.   CHCH News will resume its weekend newscasts. When the newscasts resume, it’ll air on Saturdays and Sundays at 6pm and 11pm.   Guest: Marvin Ryder. Business Professor, DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University   Ontario is going to train bartenders, hotel and hospitality staff on how to intervene when sexual harassment and violence occur within their workspace.   Guest: Lenore Lukasik-Foss, Director of SACHA (Sexual Assault Centre of Hamilton Area).