Michiana Story Hour With Gregg Fraley

Tim Hurson, author of Think Better, an Innovators Guide to Productive Thinking, talks to the Innovise Guys



Tim Hurson is one of the class acts in the creativity and innovation field. In this interview with The Innovise Guys he provides real insights into creative thinking and you get a slice of one of the best “thinkers about thinking? providing innovation services today. He has a lot going on, he’s written a fabulous new book -- Think Better, an Innovators Guide to Productive Thinking, he’s also the prime mover behind the MindCamp conference in Toronto (http://www.thinkxic.com/mindcamp/tastings.php), and Facilitators Without Borders, a group that provide pro bono facilitation services for communities in need. Tim talks about all these things, but mostly about how to “think better,? the challenges of writing and publishing, and the responses he’s received so far to his book. Tim is a founder of ThinkX Intellectual Capital (www.thinkxic.com) and an in-demand innovation consultant and public speaker. He is also is a great story teller with a great sense of humor, so this interview goes by in a flash.