Michiana Story Hour With Gregg Fraley

Michelle James of The Center for Creative Emergence



Michelle James is a creativty consultant from the Washington DC area and is the CEO of the Center for Creative Emergence (www.creativeemergence.com). Michelle is also a practiced improvisational actor who plays with Precipice Improv Theater Company (www.precipiceimprov.com) where she does long-format improv scenes. The Innovise Guys had a particular interest in Michelle because she actively uses improv tools in her business consulting, sometimes on the quiet, but many times she's brought in by her clients to teach improv. This is a fun and wide ranging discussion and the trio have a few laughs while talking about use of improv concepts like YES + AND, and Michelle's twist on that concept, YES = AND, Because. Michelle is also a key player/organizer in the Capitol Creativity Network (www.capitolcreativitynetwork.com). Tune into this pithy and upbeat interview with a leading creativity practitioner.