Latter Gay Stories

163: Melinda Hannah | Painting The Faces of Love



Melinda Hannah is no stranger to pain or trauma. She battled her own traumas while simultaneously watching other’s experience their own. Melinda is an artist. She used her talent and brush to paint to tell the stories of the marginalized people among us. While meeting with members of the LGBTQ community who were dying of AIDS, she visioned an art project that would show the world the love and beauty that encompassed these men and women who had been rejected by their families. In time, Melinda, an active Latter-day Saint, began painting the portraits of the LGBTQ+ Mormon community. She wanted the world to see their beauty, their love, and their worth. After displaying her works of art in 5 cites across the United States, Melinda sits down with the Latter Gay Stories audience to share her story. She shares more about the portraits, what the project meant to her, and the lives that were influenced because of this Portraits of Courage project.