Risen Church Nc

Experiencing God: Come Alive - Ezekiel 37



In our final look at Ezekiel's unique, unexpected, yet transformative experience with God, we step into the Valley of Dry Bones. In this vision, Ezekiel's difficult ministry met its most devastating scene yet. In spite of all the hope he had been given by God, how could Israel come back from this? How was he supposed to motivate the remnant after seeing this? At this point, nobody would've blamed Ezekiel for giving up. Much like our own struggles and losses, giving up seems like the only logical choice sometimes. However, God used this to instill an even greater confidence in Ezekiel. In the midst of this valley, God asked him if he was going to give up or look up. He asked Ezekiel if his faith was still alive, even if his previous dreams were not. Would he choose to believe that there was still hope? In this message, we wrestle with the difficult and challenges that many of us have faced in this life. We reflect on the times we've considered giving up, but collectively we look up and hear God's Word of