Risen Church Nc

Experiencing God: Redemption - Ezekiel 36:22-36



Salvation often gets reduced down to an insurance plan, to being bailed out of trouble and whatever consequences that we may have coming. However, Christian Salvation is much more than that. Our salvation is a redeeming work of God. Redemption evokes buying something back that has been lost. In Christ, God has bought us all back from sin and desires to bring us back to life. Like with some things for sale in this world, we often question our own worth. In the eyes of God, we are worth a great price - and in the hands of God, we gain a great purpose. In this message, we consider the true nature of our salvation and discuss the hope and beauty of redemption. Our God doesn't waste anything and He is looking to redeem every aspect of our lives. What we may think has been a waste, God is able and willing to turn around for His glory. Like He promised Ancient Israel, He has a better plan than to simply keep bailing us out. He has a redemption plan. From Him, we can receive a new heart, a new spirit, and a new