Ramsey Creek Baptist Church

The Truth About False Teachers - Part 1 (2 Peter 2:10b-17) [Rod Ohmes] - Audio



The Bible teaches that there is objective truth to believe in & hold on to (John 17:17, Psalm 119:160). Scripture is the truth for everyone and it all points to Jesus. False doctrine leads people into all sorts of wrong beliefs. Lifestyle flows from the truth you believe. "Wages" are what you earn from your actions. Applied to what Peter is saying, no one will be able to stand before God when they die and claim unfairness. Because of Christ, when the Father looks at a redeemed sinner (a Christian) He sees His Son, without spot or blemish. Peter uses the example of Balaam and his talking donnkey to illustrate that it’s madness to live as if God and truth don’t exist. What you believe about God directs your life. God’s Word is sufficient to direct every area of your life.