Cursing Cousins

Last Days



1:13 This is a crazy time and there’s no getting away every time I fly infectious planes I have to think about a new strain every post I witness is  political wickedness this world is unhinged Sunday Funday frolic and ABC friends but I’m angry yet I smile and shuck for these corona bucks institutions for testing watching copious money flow from the vaccine I got it but how intrusive of the world to unleash a thing and call it a thing when the feen is the one making all the green ain’t no stopping no sugar coating the rocks and shit coral reefs and rainforest trees deplete fires and floods in the street ……then famine I prayed to not live through the last days as I sat there on the third day hot and over drank I asked myself is this hell mariachi and cheap tequila celebrating as the world burns around me no thoughts of optimism when I leave here and go back to the world it’ll be the same shit no vacation or spaceships can escape this plane shift goodness gracious…BT.W