Risen Church Nc

His Body: One Foundation - 1 Corinthians 3



In our look at 1 Corinthians 3 we discuss: - The Spiritual Nature vs the Fleshly Nature: There is a vast difference between God and everyone else. He is higher and greater and above us all. Apart from Him, we are helpless and hopeless in our sin. However, Jesus and His Cross bring salvation to us all. In Him, we can be revived from sin and regenerated by His Spirit. Our fleshly nature still lingers, but if we rest in Christ and rely on Him alone we can overcome and thrive. - What is our most primal expression of our fleshly nature: In Corinth, the people were held back by their spiritual immaturity and lack of growth. This is why there was a great deal of jealousy, animosity, and competitiveness amidst the church. We discuss how it is from this place that our flesh stunts our growth the most. - What's Now impacts what's Next: Paul implores the Corinthians to rest firm on their one and only foundation, and build towards eternity. He breaks down how we will all be judged for what we did with our salvation.