Astrologically Speaking With Sheri

SHERI HORN HASAN: Are we motivated to discuss the precise factual details of recent events



SHERI HORN HASAN: Are we motivated to discuss the precise factual details of recent events--or will we be subject to more confusion, illusion, and delusion through others’ attempts to distort such facts into fantastical thinking? Can we listen & hear information that empowers us while simultaneously gaining objectivity that might change our long-term values & ideologies?Join us to discuss all this Astro News You Can Use & more as Mars enters Gemini August 20 for SEVEN MONTHS (due to his retrograde starting this fall), Mercury opposes Neptune August 21, Mercury trines Pluto, the Sun moves into Virgo August 22, & Uranus stations retrograde in Taurus August 24! Woo hoo!