Astrologically Speaking With Sheri

EP49:MATTHEW CURRIE, professional astrologer & author



MATTHEW CURRIE, professional astrologer & author, joins me this week to discuss relationship astrology & what aspects are most important for a happy, harmonious, long-term union! Also on the agenda: how the upcoming Mars & Venus retrogrades this summer & fall might affect us & our partnerships! Meanwhile, Saturn’s now retrograde, Chiron’s in Aries, the Sun moves into Taurus April 19, & Pluto’s getting ready to do an about face on April 22lots of Astro News You Can Use to stay abreast of, so be sure to join us Thursday, April 19, @11 a.m. PT & 2 p.m. ET for another enlightening journey into astrology & your soul’s karmic evolution! Namaste#astrology, #relationship, #Mars, #Venus, #retrograde, #Chiron, #Saturn, #Aries, #Taurus, #soul, #karmic, #partnerships, #Pluto, #Sun