Astrologically Speaking With Sheri

EP47:GEORGIA STATHIS & ENID NEWBERG, professional astrologers



GEORGIA STATHIS & ENID NEWBERG, professional astrologers, join SHERI HORN HASAN to discuss the Alexandria iBase Project non-profit venture, & their efforts to preserve astrological & esoteric writings & teachings for future generations! Astrological knowledge is power, so join us to find out more about the books & other great learning tools available out there for all! Also, tune in for a Mercury retrograde update, the waning third-quarter Moon, the upcoming April 10/11 Sun square Pluto, & other astro news you can use! #astrology, #nonprofit, #esoteric, #books, #Mercury, #retrograde, #Moon, #Sun, #Pluto,, #writing, #astronews