Astrologically Speaking With Sheri

EP40: SHERI HORN HASAN discusses what’s in store astrologically for 2018!



SHERI HORN HASAN discusses what’s in store astrologically for 2018! Pluto’s in Capricorn until 2023, Saturn’s in the same sign which it rules until 2020, & Uranus enters Taurus in May 2018 until April 2026. In addition, Chiron the wounded healer, changes signs from watery Pisces to fiery Aries in April 2018 & remains there also til 2026. Finally, Jupiter moves from taboo-oriented Scorpio to optimistic Sagittarius (the sign it rules) in November 2018. What are the likely long-term implications of such energetic shifts? How will they form the energetic backbeat of our lives in 2018? Tune in to hear more about this, along with the repercussions of January 1’s now-waning Cancer Full Moon & the January 2 station direct by Uranus! #Pluto, #Capricorn, #Saturn, #Cancer, #Full Moon, #Uranus, #Chiron, #healer, #Jupiter, #Taurus, #Aries, #Pisces, #astrology