Astrologically Speaking With Sheri

EP39: ASTROLOGER SHERI HORN HASAN discusses Saturn’s astrological journey in Capricorn



ASTROLOGER SHERI HORN HASAN discusses Saturn’s astrological journey in Capricorn through the astrological houses Thursday, December 21 @11 a.m. PT, 2 p.m. ET! Where is the Lord of Karma transiting in your chart & what might that mean for the next 3 years—between now & March 22, 2020? Also this week, the Sun enters Capricorn December 21, & Venus follows him there on December 24. Both will meet up with Saturn, while Mercury, the messenger of the gods, stations direct in Sagittarius on December 22. Communication should return to “normal”—slowly!--& soon it’ll be time to put into action any plans & ideas you rethought, revisited, reanalyzed, & revised during the Mercury’s retrograde period. Also, Jupiter squares the Nodes December 30—what’s that about? Tune in for more details! #Saturn, #Capricorn, #Jupiter, #Nodes, #square, #Sun, #Venus, #Mercury, #retrograde, #direct, #astrological, #karma