Astrologically Speaking With Sheri

EP34: Join SHERI HORN HASAN professional astrologer, lecturer, writing coach & editor



Join SHERI HORN HASAN professional astrologer, lecturer, writing coach & editor today as she discusses the recent move of Venus into Scorpio & how it relates to the recent November 3-4 Taurus Full Moon & the upcoming Scorpio New Moon on November 18. While on the subject of Taurus and its relationship to our personal value system—along with Scorpio’s need to evolve and regenerate this personal, individual value system--Sheri will also discuss the import of Venus in Scorpio’s transit (until December 1) to next year’s ingress of Uranus into Taurus on May 15, 2018 for the next seven years! If we can regenerate our belief system around that which we deem to be of “value,” we may stand a greater chance of weathering any changes to our resources that may be on the future’s horizon for us all… also, Sheri will talk about the last Saturn trine to Uranus until 2037!