Astrologically Speaking With Sheri

EP31: MICHAEL LUTIN joins us this week for a fun, lively discussion of what the heck is going on in the world



MICHAEL LUTIN joins us this week for a fun, lively discussion of what the heck is going on in the world and how we can best navigate more consciously through astrological insight what comes at us in both our personal lives & through the collective! Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from one of the best & most insightful professional astrologers of our time! We’ll also talk about the Libra New Moon and how we can better understand that—though Venus-ruled Libra is THE sign of partnership—our emphasis now is first and foremost on planting seeds that lead to a more loving accepting relationship with ourselves first and others second. This lunation teams up with Jupiter & Mercury in Scorpio to oppose the revelatory and rebellious energy of change-maker & shock-inducer Uranus (still retrograde in Aries!) Tune in live or catch the replay or archive after the fact! #Libra, #New Moon, #Moon, #lunation, #Venus, #Jupiter, #Mercury, #Scorpio, #partnership, #Uranus, #Aries, #relationship