Astrologically Speaking With Sheri

EP15: Join Sheri Horn Hasan & professional astrologer Joseph Polise



Join Sheri Horn Hasan & professional astrologer Joseph Polise for this week’s astro-discussion of the Sun’s ingress into Cancer & the June 23 Cancer New Moon! What’s up for us all at this Cancer New Moon? Try the development of greater self-compassion! Aiding us is the trine Venus is making to Pluto, helping us to empower ourselves, as long as we don’t get carried away when Mars squares Jupiter shortly after…join the discussion about this and hear more about Joseph’s upcoming presentation on secondary progressions & forecasting at the local NCGR Philly chapter this Saturday, June 24, & his lecture on Chiron, the wounded healer, on Sunday, June 25! #Cancer, #New Moon, #astrologer, #self-compassion, #Venus, #Pluto, #Mars, #Jupiter, #Libra, #Neptune, #Pisces, #family, #security, #children, #sensitivity, #intuition,