Astrologically Speaking With Sheri

EP9: Sheri Horn Hasan as she explains how Mercury’s meet up with Uranus



Join Sheri Horn Hasan as she explains how Mercury’s meet up with Uranus—which may have brought us some shocking personal and/or political news recently!—combines with the May 10 Scorpio New Moon to help us better see & embrace our shadow side…where has the need for change been long overdue? What is it that must transform our tenacity and stubbornness so that we can continue to evolve? How can we embrace our fears and move into the future as willing participants and co-creators, rather than as victims of circumstance? This Scorpio Full Moon can bring us true empowerment, but we must be willing to face our fears head-on in order to see them for what they really are—in the cold, hard, light of day—in order to transform and regenerate them into positive forward momentum! #Scorpio, #Full Moon, #Mercury, #Uranus, #shocking, #news, #transform, #regenerate, #shadow, #change, #co-creator, #empowerment