The Cari Murphy Show

Divine Wisdom and Messages from Judy Cali and the GOLDEN DRAGONS



***IF YOU ARE CALLED TO LISTEN TO THIS SHOW, THERE IS A REASON AND PURPOSE.*** WE ARE A GOLDEN SPIRAL OF LIGHT; ONE SACRED HEART! •We are here to awaken on an expanded level and LEAD courageously by example!•We are here to authentically be ourselves TRUST in the adventure!•Receive divinely designed guidance and channeled messages from Water and Fire Dragons, the Mer People and more!•Finally BE FREE to be yourself ---FULLY!•Connect with the consciousness of Water Dragons, Atlantis, Lemuria, the Mer People, Lady Carnelion, and the Fire Dragons•EXPERIENCE AN ACTIVATION to help heal the earth•Absorb the wisdom and get UPGRADED with this ancient knowledge•See the the DIVINE EYE OF TRUTH what honors you!•Decide to JOYFULLY CREATE and choose for ALL that blesses you to come to you in MIRACULOUS WAYS!The Dragons not Dinosaurs but Living Light Frequencies that have taken the Form of Ancient Dragon Guardians that seek to Connect with those who are Ready & willing to Receive a New Ally who will Guide you one step at