Boiler Room

Green Policy Warfare - (Pt. 2)



Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room - Learn to protect yourself from predatory mass media.In the second part of thisJune 16th, 2022 show, Hesher, Ruckus and MindSpaceArt hold down the room to discuss a follow up on our friend, Foul Mouth Veteran, and his experience with the local central Texas VA police who kicked him out of the VA for not wearing a mask. The gang also takes a look back and a look ahead at the 'Pandemic Industrial Complex' the ramifications of Covid jabs and the potential for Monkey Pox or whatever the next 'big pandemic' will be. Artificial Intelligence at Google is now "sentient" according to one of their engineers, what does this mean, is sentience equivalent to life and how can a society that is being dehumanized even grapple with a technocratic system pushing Artificial Intelligence... all this and much more on this episode of Boiler Room.Website - https://alternatecurrentradio.comVideo podcast - -