Boiler Room

The Poly-Pharmaceutical Immiseration - (Pt 1)



Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - Learn to protect yourself from predatory mass media.In the first hour of this March 31st, 2022, meeting of the Social Rejects Club Hesher and the gang are wondering how it is that a delivery of Milk to a school was full of hand sanitizer instead of milk. This brings to the forefront various questions about the validity and safety of industrial and lab-centric food supplies. The FDA has deemed CRISPR modified genome edited beef cattle as "low risk" and does not "raise any safety concerns" when it comes to bringing these products to market for sale and consumption but the Boiler Room has questions and concerns. Reference Links:Milk cartons filled with sanitizer served to students at N.J. preschool and kindergarten center Makes Low-Risk Determination for Marketing of Products from Genome-Edited Beef Cattle After Safety Review