Taste For Truth - Weight Loss Encouragement

5 Lies Christian Women Believe That Sabotage Weight Loss with Sara Borgstede



Do you ever feel guilty for focusing on weight loss and your health? Or, do you need to lose some weight but believe that you simply don't have the time? If so, you may be believing lies that are sabotaging your efforts to improve your health. Sara Borgstede from theholymess.com and I discuss these and other lies on today's episode of the Taste for Truth Podcast (links down below). Things We Discussed on the Podcast how we are better able to care for others when we care for ourselves the specific challenges we face in today's culture with regard to losing weight how Sara lost over 100 pounds and has kept it off for two decades managing our environment to help with weight loss what gluttony really is if God cares what we weigh Resources Mentioned on the Podcast Faithful Finish Lines - Sara's weight loss and coaching program Free 5-Day Challenge from the Faithful Finish Lines Program theholymess.com - Sara's website Overeating is a Sin (Here's How to Overcome It) - blog post Sara mentioned Taste for Truth B