The Amanda Collins Podcast

How to promote health and wellness with Feng Shui



How can Feng Shui help promote health in the home? Can Feng Shui help my health issues? Definitely! Feng Shui contains many remedies, tools, and practices that will improve health issues through following the Flying Stars in the home and applying these remedies daily.    There are two ways that Feng Shui can impact your inner world and your outer environment. Inner work allows you to change your own vibration and frequency and it will oftentimes prompt you to change things around your home in order to put everything in balance.  Sometimes you start with changing your home around and that invites you to do the inner work as well.    To be in alignment with your present self, your future self and the direction in which you want to travel requires a lot of healing. It often invites you to let go of things from your past that holds you back in your personal growth, your career, and your relationships which can be detrimental to your health and wealth. Your overall well-being requires you to release trauma, and n