Consciousshift With Julie Ann Turner




Orly Wahba is an educator, entrepreneur, and activist passionate about inspiring people to embrace the power of kindness. As Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest, Orly Wahba - author of KINDNESS BOOMERANG: How to Save the World(and Yourself) Through 365 Daily Acts - shares personal stories on the power of paying it forward, and tangible steps to change your outlook on life. Orly began her career as a middle school teacher in Brooklyn and for fifteen years has worked with youth and local charities. She is known for incorporating kindness, love, and respect into curricula. Orly founded Life Vest Inside in 2011, is the writer and director of the Kindness Boomerang video, and has spoken about its mission to many audiences, including in a TED talk.Yearning to make a larger impact with her philanthropic work and after having been inspired by a small sign on a plane labeled “Life Vest Inside” Orly founded (2011) Life Vest Inside, a non-profit organization with a mission to encourage people to embrace the incredible pow