Scene By Scene With Josh & Dean

AS25: You F***d Up a Great Thing (with Jeff “JahFurry” Newelt)



American Splendor scene #25 (1:15:00 to 1:18:33) — The scene begins with another Letterman appearance. but to quote Harvey, “between the lump and loneliness… [he] never felt more like a sell-out hack.” Harvey dons an “On Strike Against NBC” shirt and the show goes downhill from there, winding up in chaos. Joyce finally, happily returns, but the scene ends ominously as she discovers Harvey’s lump. Josh & Dean are joined by Jeff “JahFurry” Newelt! A discussion of GE, NBC, and corporate conglomerates, What Late Night with David Letterman meant to the panel. The revelation that Harvey had been offered his own TV show (which he turned down) — what would a Harvey Pekar talk show have been like? JahFury’s testimonial about Harvey’s importance as a jazz critic, enthusiast, and promoter of underdog greats. What have you publicly protested? Shout-outs to The Robin Byrd Show, Al Goldstein, Midnight Blue, Johnny Carson, Benny Hill, Emil Heifetz, Ed Piskor, William Fogg, Joe Zabel, Gary Dumm, Gerry Shamray, Billy Dogm