E-com Sales Tax

What Should a CPA Know About Sales Tax To Help Their Clients?



Sales tax compliance can be a major burden for a business. As a CPA your clients are looking to you as a trusted advisor and mentor to help them navigate any and all tax issues. If your clients lose sleep over sales tax, you may find that you probably do, too. There’s a lot to know, and it can be taxing (no pun intended) to stay up to date while doing all the other functions of your job.That’s why we have come up with a simple approach in helping your clients stay compliant so they can avoid exposure. We put together this quick guide created for accountants, bookkeepers and CPAs to help keep their clients compliant.  Today we discuss the 3 most important questions to help give you a clear picture of your clients tax responsibility and potential liability. Additional Questions Answered:Does my client have economic nexus?Does my client have physical nexus?Is what my client sells taxable?Is my client responsible for collecting sales tax?Being a good mentor and consultant is knowing when to ask for help. We have