Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine

Gray Matters Radio Episode 78: What Will America 2.0's Economy Look Like After Corona Virus?



You know you live in odd times when there is a worldwide deadly virus pandemic and most people you talk to in America are more worried about the economy then peoples lives. Its not to say people don't care about the virus, it just speaks volumes to the damage the quarantine has had on the global economy. So what will the economy look like in America 2.0? Depending on who you talk to its either going to be a economic wasteland or it will serve as a catalyst to finally address some major issues in our economy. So we wanted to get to the bottom of this debate and we do what any good American does when they don't don't have the answer...we go to our parents for the answer.Join us as we invite our long time economic and foreign policy correspondent Richard "The Professor" DeVine onto the show where we tap into his MBA in Operations plus his 30 years of manufacturing and supply-chain experience to help us understand what data we should look at to predict what the economy will look like after all of this. Instead of