Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine

Gray Matters Radio Episode 74: Concern Vs. Panic? An Important COVID-19 Update From Infectious Disease Researcher Dan Evans



If you go on Facebook right now you will see posts from your friends that say you should be panicking and buying mass amounts of toilet paper or that its all a Democratic hoax to bring down Donald Trump. So what is the truth? Should we be be panicking or is it all a hoax?To get a real answer and the latest on the COVID-19 outbreak we invited our good friend infectious disease researcher & graduate student at University of Pittsburgh Dan Evans back to the show to set the record straight and to help us understand what information we should be paying attention to. What does Dan think? It begins with understanding that "we should be CONCERNED...not panicking" What does that will have to turn in to find out! Instead of being part of the problem and spreading fake news, tune in to the one place you know isn't fake....Gray Matters Radio! As always I am joined by my co-host, the Armchair QB Bill Reed to help keep me in line and firmly in the Gray. Gray Matters Radio is a proud member of the 6One4 Radio