Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine

Gray Matters Radio Episode 73: How Bernie Can Beat The Democrats



Just to get this out of the this post or better yet...actually watch my show before you message me on Twitter or Facebook! Don't do the Russian trolls job's for them and just read a headline and react! Now with that disclaimer out of the way...I am still here! I thought I was going to get attacked by angry Democrats this week but I survived and lived to craft another winning message for a candidate. Super Tuesday was a game changer for the race with Mayor Pete and Amy Klobuchar getting out of the race and putting their support behind Biden. The guy whose campaign that was left for dead last week is suddenly leading the delegate totals. Crazy I know!So what can Bernie do to win this primary? Well my first piece of advice is that maybe its time to listen to what moderates have been saying because as Super Tuesday's results clearly show now you have to win moderates to get this nomination. How does he do that? Well it begins with maybe listening to our guest who happens to be a former Bernie supporter