Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine

Gray Matters Radio Episode 55: Behind The Political Curtain Of The 2020 Democratic Candidates



We are under 100 days away from the first Democratic primary and we are starting to get a clear picture of who the legit candidates are going to be. So naturally we had to take a break from our weekly coverage of the Orange Mist to put the 2020 Democratic candidates on the couch.Joining us in the studio is our good friend Jacque Nowak from The Voice of The Radical Center Podcast. What did we see? For one Mayor Pete brought some fire to the debate and the polls numbers show contrary to popular belief, America likes emotion from a candidate. Elizabeth Warren has a giant target on her back and doesn't seem to like. Amy Klobuchar is like the honey badger and is fierce and doesn't give a f7$k. Is Tom Steyer a character from a Maryanne Williamson novel? Catch the podcast to get our take on the Democratic race thus far and what we think the front runners need to do to not only win the nomination...but also beat Trump in the general election.As always I am joined by my co-host, the Armchair QB Bill Reed to help keep