Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine

Gray Matters Radio Episode 49: Is Iran Being Framed For The Saudi Arabia Oil Refinery Drone Attack?



Is it just me or does this Saudi Arabia oil refinery drone attack seem like a plot line from a Tom Clancy novel? On the surface it doesn't seem to make a lot of sense for Iran to do this but if they didn't then who would benefit from making it look like Iran is behind it? I will give you one guess and it rhymes with Prussia. To help us understand this puzzle we invite our very own foreign policy correspondent Richard "The Professor" DeVine to weigh in and help us understand the history of this region, who might benefit from framing Iran, and what Trump should look at to make sure we don't get fooled into a regional war that most likely would be WW3.As always I am joined by my co-host, the Armchair QB Bill Reed to help keep me in line and firmly in the Gray. Gray Matters Radio is a proud member of the 6One4 Radio Network family of podcasts. Find this as well as all our episodes on every major podcasting platform.