Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine

Gray Matters Radio Episode 41: The Area 51 Raid Is The Road Map To Taking Our Government Back From Special Interests



Nike is a billion dollar per company but one man and his 2 million plus Twitter followers were able to make a billion dollar company reverse course in a matters of days when they decided to release a limited edition Betsy Ross sneaker. In another example, we see one man start a Raid Area 51 Facebook page and within 30 days had over 1 million people willing to sacrifice their lives and freedom to raid the infamous Area 51 military base. In just one month we have seen the power of social media when they are able to get people to organize & focus on a hot button topic and use that power to make a huge company and possible our own government respond. But the question I ask is whether this very tactic could be used to take power away from the lobbyist? The very people who have used their money to buy our democracy and remade it to serve themselves rather than the citizens. Imagine if instead of putting all of this energy into a shoe company, what if we unleashed that on every special interest group and company