Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine

Gray Matters Radio Episode 36: Corporate America Doesn't Care About Us But We Can Make Them Care



Let's be honest here, most of Corporate America really doesn't care about consumers or their workers more than they really have to. We wonder why customer service is so bad and why so many workers don't really seem to care about their jobs but all you have to look at is the leadership of that company. Mysteriously the companies in America that make great products, have great customer service, and the people actually like their jobs are companies that treat their people like they matter and understand they have to treat the customer with respect. Shocking concept I know but with the likes of companies like Boeing, Monsanto, and Ford being in the news for killing their customers you have to wonder if corporate america will ever change. They will never change....that is unless we make them change. The American worker and consumer has all the power in the world to make leadership change...we just have to actually do it. So for tonight's episode, join America's counselor and his co-host the Armchair QB Bill Reed d