Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine

Gray Matters Radio Episode 35: Boeing 737-Max A Biopsy Of The American Corporate Conscience



One thing that I always teach my clients is that if we are to solve a problem we must first truly understand what is causing the problem. Because without that understanding we really have no idea where to focus our efforts and what solutions we should apply. No where is that more important than when an airplane crashes and in the case of the Boeing 737-Max, when 2 airplanes have crashed. If you listen to the news, every reporter has become an aeronautical engineer overnight and has chosen to scapegoat the billion dollar behemoth Boeing Corp. Now I know its easy to scapegoat them considering the infamous 737-Max's history of small seats, awful legroom, non-existent bathrooms, and now plane crashes. But as a pilot myself, it would be reckless to just look at Boeing because while surely sharing part of the blame for these crashes, there are other factors that we must look at. These crashes were less about plane crashes but more a systematic problem within corporate America and the calculated risk of gambling wi