Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine

Gray Matters Radio Episode 33: How Do We Bring Anti-Vaxxers & Researchers Together To Fight Autism?



I am not going to lie but this was an episode that I have been wanting to do for a long time but was scared to do because of the acrimony on the topic of autism between researchers and anti-vaxxers. But I also realize that as a counselor who works extensively with clients and families of people on the Autism Spectrum that this disorder is not going away and in fact is getting worse and we need all hands on deck to solve this thing. If trying to understand a disorder that only now are we beginning to truly understand is difficult in and of itself, we are not doing ourselves any favors when the very people who are affected by it and trying to cure it are at a war with each other. When I say that we need all hands on deck...I mean that we need all hands on deck for this. We cannot be splitting our energy, resources, and focus on fighting with each other because all that does is make it more difficult to figure this disorder out. When I say that we are putting ourselves years behind by fighting...I literally mean