Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine

Gray Matters Radio Episode 28: Ending America's Division One Conversation At A Time W/Guest Dan Evans



In case you have been living under a rock the past week, you may have heard something about the Mueller Report being delivered to the Attorney General & the findings did not implicate President Trump of any wrong doing. Even before the report was released people were salivating about what it would say but count me as one person who was thinking the report would not make a difference at all. Why do you ask? Simple, regardless of what that report said each side was going to reject the data and evidence and continue to believe the same thing.Since it came out that Trump did not do anything wrong, I knew that Democrats were going to say the report was fixed or still somehow believe that he was guilty. If the opposite happened, then Republicans would have rejected the evidence and said that it was a fake witch hunt & failed attempt to impeach the president.That is the world that we live in...a post facts world where people deny evidence that contradicts what they want to believe. We literally live in a wor