Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine

Gray Matters Radio Episode 21: We Do The Unthinkable & Talk To A Real Doctor To Find Out Why Healthcare Is Broken With Guest Dr. Eric Larson



One of the things that gets under my skin more than anything is hearing politicians & media personalities talking about what is wrong with healthcare when they clearly have no idea what the hell they are talking about. They come up with solutions that are either too simplistic or radical with neither having any clue of working let alone getting passed. The problem that creates this issue is that too many clinicians or people who work in healthcare are too afraid to lose their job or lose clients if they come out and start speaking out publically about healthcare. In that vacuum the only voices we hear are people who don’t have a clue and/or are biased because they are getting paid by lobbyist to keep the system in chaos which ensures that things stay the same.The only way any of this changes is if people who actually work in healthcare actually start speaking up and that is exactly what we are doing here at Gray Matters. In Part 2 of our 3 part series on healthcare we attempt to have a hard conversation