Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine

Gray Matters Radio Episode 14: It’s Not Just Autism Awareness, It’s Autism Treatment Affordability Awareness W/ Special Guests Bill Reed and



As a counselor who has worked with families and clients on the Autism Spectrum for over 18 years, I have seen it go from a disorder that people have no clue what it is to almost every person knowing at least one person they are close to having it or being affected by it. One would think seeing the Autism rates jumping from 1/10,000 in 2000 to 1/59 in 2018 would make voters demand their politicians take action in making sure every American has access to quality treatment…but I guess most of us didn’t get the message and instead are too pre-occupied with border walls and whether Donald Trump is a racist.The sad truth is that while people privately will express concern about autism and whether their child will be born with it, politically we seem to get caught up in the tabloid BS that out media and politicians are peddling. The sad truth is that quality early intervention therapy can cost upwards of $60,000 a year and much of that is not covered by your insurance and partially covered by your state Medicaid pro