Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine

Gray Matters Radio Episode 13: What Is A Bigger Danger To Your Family: Illegal Immigrants, Suicide, or Drug Abuse?



As a counselor, I have a unique perspective on the world. I have this perspective because I get to talk to people from every walk of life, political party, socio-economic status, religion, etc. I would argue that no other profession has a better feel for the heart beat of a nation than counselors. Our only goal is to help so people have a tendency to be honest with us and check all of the BS out of the door.What I hear people talking about is not fear of illegal immigrants, terrorism. or globalism but rather fear of their children getting addicted to drugs, being depressed and committing suicide, getting bullied, fear of the influence of the internet, being taken advantage of by sexual predators, etc. That is what people worry about and who would blame them? Every year suicide & drug abuse rates go up and despite new awareness and money going towards these programs the numbers keep rising.Just look at these statistics, according to the CDC suicide rates are growing at their highest rates and in 2016 alone