Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine

Gray Matters Radio Episode 10: What Would It Really Be Like If Trump Were Impeached?



It seems like everyone keep debating whether or not Trump should/could be impeached but nobody has really talked about what the consequences to the country would be if he were. The Gray has purposely stayed out of the Trump Russiagate impeachment debate on purpose. But with Michael Cohen flipping on Trump last week and saying that he was told to lie about the Trump Organization’s business dealings with Russia, it seems like this investigation is about to really escalate and maybe we need to have a discussion about how the country was affected the last time we impeached (well Nixon resigned but would have been impeached) and what it might mean for us today. We need to have this discussion because the collateral damage for the country might not be worth it in the end….or will it? To help us dive into this issue we invite back “The Professor” Richard DeVine to talk about the Nixon impeachment and what it would mean for the country today.Gray Matters Radio is a proud member of The Reporters Network family of podc