Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine

Gray Matters Radio Episode 5: Why Not Interview A Real Illegal Immigrant? Special Anonymous Guest



I must be crazy as hell to dive into this immigration debate but I feel like I have to. Growing up in Ohio and living a large portion of my adult life in Texas, I have a rather unique perspective of immigration. I have clients who are immigrants (both legal and illegal) and consult with businesses who tend to employ cheaper immigrant laborers so I think my perspective is quite well rounded. Since it seems like this is one of the biggest debates sucking all of the air out of the room before elections tomorrow, we felt at The Gray we owed it to you to tackle this topic. Joining us in the studio will be an anonymous guest who has had immigration and status issues in the past several years that wanted to share her story. This guest is quite interesting because they have lived in America since they were 9 months old, married an American husband, and has children, works a full-time job, and yet because a shady company threw their employees under the bus and were charged with crimes this guest now has immigration is