Time And Space: A Doctor Who Podcast

Episode 81 - TV Killed the Internet Star



Richard E. Grant's Ninth Doctor and "Scream of the Shalka"We all know the Ninth Doctor first appeared in 2005, with Christopher Eccleston bringing back "Doctor Who" in his leather jacket, waving around his sonic screwdriver. But he was not the first Ninth Doctor. An enterprising group of Whovians inside BBC were desperate to find a way to celebrate the 40th anniversary of "Doctor Who" in 2003. With no news of anything happening, they decided to bring back the program in the form of an animated webcast, with a new Doctor, new companions, and a ... robot Master? Phillip and Jessica look at the BBCi production of "Scream of the Shalka," with Richard E. Grant as the Ninth Doctor. Some other once and future "Who" stars make their first appearance in this six-episode story, including a certain Scottish Whovian who would eventually star in the TV series. Would you be interested in more stories featuring Grant's Doctor? Or is this series of webisodes better left as alternate "Who" history? In their look into the TARD