Time And Space: A Doctor Who Podcast

Episode 23 - It's Gotta Be the Jacket



Captain Jack Harkness OverviewThe man, the myth, the Time Agent - Captain Jack began as companion to the 9th Doctor but soon bolted to head the "Doctor Who" spin-off "Torchwood," and became a legend in the fandom. What makes this sexually-charged, dynamic, vortex manipulator-wearing leader such a Whovian star? Jessica and Phillip talk about his time with the Doctor and Torchwood, and their encounters with the man behind the character - John Barrowman.In their look into the TARDIS library, they revisit another West End star who served as a companion - Bonnie Langford's Mel in her last serial "Dragonfire." The couple look at how this Seventh Doctor adventure sorta got rid of Mel as an afterthought as it welcomed Ace (Ace!) as the new companion.What's your favorite Captain Jack moment?