Time And Space: A Doctor Who Podcast

Episode 13 - Gone Before His Time



The Ninth Doctor (Christopher Eccleston)He has many names - "The Oncoming Storm" and "The Last of The Time Lords" - but the Ninth Doctor is also "The Doctor That Re-Launched the Franchise." Jessica and Phillip look at the shortest-serving Doctor to travel in the TARDIS on television, and what his single series brought to the franchise. From accents to simple dress, from companion relationships to what might have been had he stayed, they discuss the legacy of 9,In their look into the TARDIS library, the couple re-visits "Terror of the Vervoids" (aka The Trial of a Time Lord) and the introduction of companion Melanie (Mel) Bush. Just like many Whovians were unsure of Billie Piper being cast as a companion to the Ninth Doctor in the 2005 re-launch of the series, some fans were wary about former child actor Bonnie Langford entering the franchise. How does her abrupt introduction with the Sixth Doctor work?What is your favorite Ninth Doctor moment? Le us know!