Risen Church Nc

His Body: Cleaning House - 1 Corinthians 5



Having established how important the local church is to every Christian, Paul begins addressing some of the problems persisting within the church at Corinth. He's made it clear that every body has a vital role to play in the Body of Christ, and thus we cannot separate individual selves from the whole, and vice versa. Beginning in chapter 5, Paul admonishes the Corinthians how they ought to react to sin and respond to sinners within the Church. He confronts their apparent arrogance and indifference towards one individuals' sin, and identifies the proper response of a compassionate, sincere Christian. In this message, we unpack this and much more, and learn the right approach when caring for our brother and sister in Christ. We discuss the importance of our gathering in the power of the Spirit, and giving place to God to sovereignly tend to both the wheats and tares of His field. Our goal with this conversation is to have a sober understanding of sin, its effects on the us and our church family, and a commi