Risen Church Nc

His Body: No Place Like Home - 1 Corinthians 3:16-4:17



After addressing how each of us individually will be judged for our service to Christ, Paul tells us that we will also be held accountable for our participation in the Body of Christ. He calls us the New Temple of God, echoing the words of Jesus that the gathering of God's people becomes His dwelling place. How we treat God's Temple - Christ's Body - is crucial in our Christian service. From here, Paul teaches on the importance of every church member developing a healthy relationship with those in leadership over them. He stresses that a mutual trust and integrity across pulpits and pews is key for a healthy Church. Ultimately, it all comes down to everyone fulfilling their obligation to be faithful. In this message, we discuss what it means to be faithful to Christ's Body and learn to respect the institution and community that is God is building. If we are all faithful, the church can reach its full potential and be full of divine possibility. As we find our place and become rooted in Christ's body, and