Astrologically Speaking With Sheri

Does Queen Elizabeth’s passing mark the end of an era



Does Queen Elizabeth’s passing mark the end of an era—and in more ways than one? Let’s examine the mystique behind royalty & eclipses, & whether Prince William will be the last of Britain’s monarchs!We’ll take a look at the Queen’s chart and the aspects at her death, & how the tightening Saturn/Uranus square has brought both massive amounts of people into the streets to mourn, but also negative financial & economic news now.Join me to discuss all this & more Astro News You Can Use, as we say goodbye to Virgo season next week & head toward Libra season September 22 when the Sun enters the sign that strives for equal harmonious partnerships at the Fall Equinox!Listen live or later, and while you’re there, don’t forget to pick up your free copy of renowned evolutionary astrologer Steven Forrest’s advice (as told to Sheri Horn Hasan) about How To Keep Your Sun Sign Happy!See you soon! Namaste