Storm Of Words

House of the Dragon Series Preview



Jessa Phillips, Heather Stephenson and Gary Mitchel gather to discuss their hopes and fears surrounding the new HBO television series, House of the Dragon, based on the George R.R. Martin novel Fire & Blood. While Jessa and Gary have the benefit of knowledge from the book, Heather is going into the new series blind. What are their expectations for the show and how do they want events to unfold? Join them for fun fan speculation. Spoiler Warning: This episode contains some discussion about events depicted in the television series, Game of Thrones, as well as minimal discussion of events from the novel Fire & Blood. CONTACT Questions? Comments? We want to hear from you! Feel free to post a comment on the podcast entry at, or email us at Special thanks to Walid Feghali for the use of his music in the podcast. Be sure to check out his Sound Cloud profile page at to learn more about him and discover more of his musi