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AP 064: Dina Alexander || How to Empower Kids to Use Technology for Good



“Just like you and I lived at the mall or lived at the football game on Friday night, a lot of our kids are living on social media . . . I want my kids to make their mistakes while still living with me.  You want to give them parameters but also you want to give them the opportunity to make choices.”   We all worry about the incessant draw that technology is having on our children these days. You see the debates on Facebook and hear the tense conversations amongst parents: How much tech-use is appropriate? How can we limit screen time? When should children be allowed to use technology?   Before we can answer all that, however, we need to be asking the more appropriate question, as posed by Dina Alexander: "How can we empower our children to use technology responsibly and for good?"   Dina is the founder of the non-profit Educate and Empower Kids, which strives to help parents "parent in the digital age" by preparing their children, not scaring them. She is an expert on so many hard topics we need to discuss w