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AP 063: Each of Us Is Extraordinary, All of Us Are Ordinary || With Guests: Melinda Peterson and Brittney Hanks



This podcast is in response to an email I received from a listener who was frustrated that all my guests on the show are too "extraordinary." While thoughts swirled about me, I interviewed Melinda Peterson from Melinda Joy Writes to chat about how she has been writing a novel for ten years; but then we magically had a beautiful discussion on seeing the extraordinary within ourselves.    Listen in to hear our conversation on this topic, my own expanded thoughts, my response to this email, as well as a highlight from one my "extraordinary-ordinary" friends--Brittney Hanks from Homegrown Traditions--who has encountered some tough failures as she and her husband navigate running a small business together.   Excerpt from Melinda's email, following our interview (it's amazing!!):   Show Notes Melinda's website, Instagram, and children-centered Instagram Homegrown Traditions website and Instagram Recent interview with Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife: "Get Over Yourself" Jennifer Finlayson-Fife's website and Holiday DE